As a former/future healthcare employee I'm so confused by the new healthcare reform bills. There are some parts that are fantastic and some that are awful. I've tried to do some self appointed research('cuz that's how I roll) to find out exactly what it all means. But I'm reading different reports and they are of course all conflicting. The actual bill is something like 1,018(literally I think) pages long. That's a lot of junk to rifle through. I'm not gonna try because after looking it I've determined it's a lot of legalese and political jargon. As are most types of legislation, legal rulings, legal contracts, and John Grisham novels(no I'm not knocking on John Grisham I think he's fantastic).
Here's my beef with healtchare reform.
The "Hyde Amendment" and the new "Stupak-Pitts Amendment" both state that Federal Funding(ie Medicaid or Medicare and the like) is not permissable for abortions except in the case of incest, rape, or the pregnancy endangers the life of the mother. Let me insert and say that I have nothing against Medicare and Medicaid and their use. Nothing at all. That's not my beef. Keep reading and you'll see where my problems lie. Here's the thing. The "Stupak-Pitts Amendment" really isn't an amendment. It's an executive order. An executive order is not always binding. They can potentially be overturned in the court system.
In a few years our nation's Insurance and Healthcare industry will be mostly if not completely federally funded. What happens then? I'm sure this is a stretch in thinking at this point but this is my fear. First off, I fear that the "Stupak-Pitts" order will be over turned and abortions will be federally funded. Therefore making me and the taxes that I pay, financially responsible for a practice I whole heartedly disagree with. Second, will pregnancies that have a psychological impact because the baby is "abnormal"(for lack of a better word) like that of Johanna's be considered to endanger the life of the mother? If a mother, receiving health insurance from any type of federal program, is given an adverse prenatal diagnosis for her child, and she begins to have mental health type difficulties related to that pregnancy will she then be allowed to legally terminate her pregnancy while my family foots the bill? Third, who is the person that will be saying what is "endangering a mother's life". Is the endangering influence only from the pregnancy itself or could it be from an outside source? Say a disgruntled boyfriend or husband that is abusive in some way to the mother? I don't have any disillusionments that our nation will ever reverse the 1973 decision of Roe v. Wade. Although I disagree with the practices, the US is a pro-choice nation. If you're a long time reader you know that I am staunchly pro-life.
Another beef I have with the Health Care Reform is the eventual ending or reducing of Medicare Advantage Insurance Plans. These plans are the best things since sliced bread for many people that use Medicare as their primary insurance. The plans do provide comperable coverage to any 80/20 group insurance plan, reasonable deductibles, and prescription coverage. Yes they are more expensive than traditional Medicare but only by about $20-$30 per month. They do have their flaws but all in all they are a fantastically affordable option for many Americans. I'm sad to see that these plans may come to an end.
Don't lose heart with the American Healthcare system. There are a lot of people that work very very hard everyday to make sure we all have the best healthcare imaginable. If I had a need I could be seen almost immediately at any number of local physicians. You have to remember that Insurance is(or was) a "for-profit" industry. We are(or were) a capitalist society. It's one of the things that have made our nation great. The fact that I can choose to shop at Walmart, Target, or KMart for the same products mean these places have to continue to work to provide the best deal.
May this recent upset in the status quo be a reminder to people of my generation(and everyone else too) to get out and VOTE on election day. I say my generation because the demographic that I'm currently pigeon holed in has the least number of voters. P. Diddy tried to change this and did great, but we're still the least among the numbered voters. Take an active role in the future of our government and country. Do I vote? Yes in every election. It's important. Far too long my generation has taken for granted all of our liberties. And now we will begin to pay for our lack of involvement. God did not put us here to think about ourselves. Rather we are here to serve.
Random I know but it's how I feel. Feel free to comment if you want. Please don't start a verbal assault or war in the comments. It's happened before when I say anything even slightly political. Be advised that if your comments contain any type of obscene language or references I will delete you. Feel free to disagree with me if you want, that doesn't bother me at all. That's your right as an American(and an awesome right if I say so myself).
2 years ago
I do not support the health care bill at all. I think it's just one step in a downward direction.
And I make sure I vote!!!
I'm confused by the whole thing. But excited as well. I'm a self employed cancer survivor and no one will sell me insurance due to this preexisting condition. Right now I have to make sure to not make to much money or I will lose the state coverage I have now. It's a balancing game that makes me feel crappy to have to stay at the poverty level so I can get health insurance to pay for my follow up treatments. Scans and such. Wow that was a run on. My mom is also with out coverage and wont go to the dr. because she can't afford it.
I'm pro choice but am glad that the guidelines are in place so tax payers don't have to pay for elective abortions. I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst since most things done by our government usually turn out not so good.
I'm confused by the whole thing. But excited as well. I'm a self employed cancer survivor and no one will sell me insurance due to this preexisting condition. Right now I have to make sure to not make to much money or I will lose the state coverage I have now. It's a balancing game that makes me feel crappy to have to stay at the poverty level so I can get health insurance to pay for my follow up treatments. Scans and such. Wow that was a run on. My mom is also with out coverage and wont go to the dr. because she can't afford it.
I'm pro choice but am glad that the guidelines are in place so tax payers don't have to pay for elective abortions. I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst since most things done by our government usually turn out not so good.
1. The government, with this passage, now controls approximately 48% of the private sector economy. This is approximately a 13% increase that occurred against the will of the majority of the American people.
2. Every government takeover is designed to destroy competition and in turn vest more power into the national (read: not Federal) government. Just wait.
3. Medical Review Boards - Someone here said they have cancer? Well, your new insurance policy you can finally buy may help you but whose to say what level of treatment you can get with such a risky past? Why invest money in someone who is sick, right?
4. Medicare deductions will increase.
5. In reality this will add 240 billion dollars to the deficit in the next 5 years.
6. Small businesses will be destroyed. After all, a mandatory insurance program for all employees means cost increases or fines that could raise taxes by 15%. So, where does this cost increase come from? Price increases. Democrats are horrible at economics. They can't understand that you never actually tax companies or corporations. You really tax their customers. How much will a hamburger cost at McDonalds when the cost of employee insurance is factored into it?
7. Social Security is the biggest ponzi scheme in history. They are broke. How is this government endeavor by ignorant liberals going to be any better?
8. The government now mandates that you buy insurance. Think about that. The congressional representatives of the United States produced legislation that went against the consent of the governed demanding that those people spent money on something they don't want. The implications of that one truth are staggering.
9. The congressmen (and women) that voted for these measures are, due to their own severance, exempt from them.
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