Last week at our monthly ladies Bible study we were given this survey. I really enjoyed it, and wanted to share it with ya'll. I believe by now, you know how much I love a survey. I just love lists, they are so orderly.
1. Think back over the fast 10 years. What are you the most grateful for during that time period?
Chad, Clayton and Johanna, Family, Friends, Our church, A very blessed life
2. Now think back over the past year. What are you most grateful for during that time period?
Ooh that's a tricky question. I guess, with everything Chad and I have faced in 2009 I'm most grateful for
for God's love, grace, and mercy.
3. Now what about the past week? What are you most grateful for?
Beginning to feel more like the old Nikki. God's still working on me, and teaching me how to live this new normal.
4. The following verse says "O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34. Name a way that God has been good to you lately.
He lets me wake up every day in a life that is more wonderful than I could have ever dreamed. I have a
handsome hubby, and a cute red headed little boy that love me unconditionally,and a dark haired little girl
waiting for me in heaven. And on top of that, I have a family that love me for who I am, not what they
want me to be.
5. Name 2 physical or monetary blessings you've received lately.
Getting an unexpected check in the mail. The amount wasn't much, but who doesn't get a little excited
when you get that kind of nice surprise. And, learning to coupon. I'm hoping soon I will actually start
seeing my savings add up.
6. Name 2 spiritual blessings you've received lately.
I've had so many more than 2, but if I had to pick I think I'd chose: God's grace to walk through this
current season in my life and still have joy. And, through T18, the opportunity to learn more about myself
and God.
7. How often do you give praise to God?
Not nearly often enough. I must say that I am way behind in the praise department.
8. Do you think God is pleased with how you praise Him?
I want Him to be, but I'm sure that He's not. He's working on me and teaching me.
9. Name someone that God has placed in your life to be a blessing to you.
Too many people to name. My husband and entire family.
10 Now that you have reflected on how God has blessed you, choose a person this week(even during the busy holiday season) and be a blessing to that person.
- Send someone a card to encourage them
- Take someone a batch of cookies or fresh baked bread
- Make dinner for someone
- Visit a lonely or elderly person
- Send someone flowers just for the fun of it
Ok, I hope it is ok if I copy this one??!! That is just way toooo good. I'll post it on mine to. Have to do it when my little one goes down.
Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving. We have sooo much to be thankful for!!!!!
Love and Prayers
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