Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mish Mash and Pish Posh

I must seriously be running out of blog post titles because this one makes no sense.  Anyway today will be a random smattering of things.  What's going on in our lives right now.

  1. The Ladies Conference at our church starts tomorrow.  And I am so excited.  I'm excited to talk about Johanna.  I'm excited to hear all the other speakers.  I'm excited that our church is doing something like this.  I'm excited for the decorating the ladies have done(I didn't have any part in that because that's just not my thing).  And I'm even excited about that boxed lunch on Saturday.
  2. Clayton has been at his Gram and Popa's house since yesterday morning.  And I'm having serious Cman withdrawls.  He's there because of some crazy scheduling things this week.  A collaborative decision was made that he would be happier and more rested if he stayed with Gram and Popa instead of being hoisted around all over the place.
  3. Our youth choir is singing somewhere(I can't remember where at the moment) next Friday evening.  They are practicing so hard and learning new songs.  It's really cool that the Lord is rewarding their efforts this way. 
  4. Our dog, Emma, is finally at long last almost house trained.  You have no idea how excited this makes me.
  5. I got the most awesome pair of shoes recently.  I am a shoe freak.  I love them.  All kinds of shoes, but my favorite are heels and dressy shoes.  I was so very fortunate to get a suede purple wedge with a ruffle on the toe for $7.  Yeah you read that right.  They will probably make an appearance at the LC this weekend.  They're way too awesome to keep them stuffed in a closet.  Shoes need room to breathe people.
  6. I'm reading through the Bible in chapter and book order right now.  And really loving it.  I've never attempted this before.  Hopefully I won't get bogged down in Numbers and Levitivus.
  7. I'm loving my life today.  It's crazy busy but it's so much fun.  I'm blessed.  Today is a good day and I plan to embrace for all it has to offer.
Two more things and then I'll let you get back to whatever it is you were doing before you came to ye olde blog.

Don't forget to  vote for Trisomy 18 Foundation between Jan. 15-22.  Chase Community of Giving on Facebook is going to give $1 million to whichever group gets the most votes.  Thanks for remembering my daughter, Johanna, Tristan, Olivia, Cana, Sydney, Annabelle, Maddox, and all the many children affected by T18.

Last but not least.  Keep those totally awesome questions coming.  There have been some great ones so far.  I love reading them and pondering how I'm going to answer them.

I told ya'll this was gonna be all over the map.


Jamie Lynn said...

:) I like this post & I'm glad you are having such a good day!!
I love you!!